ROBO LOVE is a film about the future of human interaction with humanoid, android robots.
The feature documentary by Maria Arlamovsky, an Austrian film director, explores how we will bond with robots that resemble human women and men.
Robots will serve us in future at home, they will teach us, help us, comfort us and perhaps they will be our cuddly partners.
How will we accept these new robots that will in future enter our private lives? Will humanoid androids fill social gaps that we cannot fill ourselves anymore? Where are the market places for them, where are they needed and what are the implications for human-human relationships in future?
ROBO LOVE examines the complex field of modern technology and the creation of humanoid, android robots from a variety of perspectives. Maria Arlamovsky travels the globe to visit scientists and technicians as well as philosophers and ethicists to understand the evolution and future of humanoid social robots.
From this complex mosaic, a vision emerges that reflects the ambivalence surrounding these revolutionary technologies and the immense potential of a future where humans and robots will perhaps share a kind of love for each other.
Gender & Diversity
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