For more than one year, the documentary CRY BABY, CRY, accompanied three families and their new born babies.
They are each faced with another challange: Caro and Levi have no sleep-wake cycle, Konrad is a so-called cry-baby and Lotta tends to inflict injuries on herself and is quite restless on the whole. Having not jet mastered the ability of speeh the babies and toddlers tell about their births and their difficult starts into their lives in their very own ways. The film accompanies the families in private settings, in their struggles with everyday life but also when they face their challanges in therapeutic sessions. Thus over time a mostly nonverbal, but very poignant dialogue between parents, that start to understand their babies modes of expression, and children, that confront their parents with their own distress. Methods such as Thomas Harms’ ‘Emotional First Aid’, the ‘Systhematic Listening Therapy’ and the ‘Neurophysiological Development Promotion’ are applied in this film.
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