Gender Incentive
According to the assessment of the Gender Incentive 2019 and considering the results of the Second Austrian Film Gender Report 2017-2019 the supervisory board passed the Gender Incentive 2023 entering into force as from January 1, 2023. The assessment showed that the share of women increased in nearly each head department that gained gender incentive points.
30,000 Euro, automatic Gender Incentive
If the production funding of a project entitled to reference funds° is contracted and the project shows a certain amount of women as head of departments within the areas of production, direction, script, line production, production management, camera, editing, script consulting, production design, original score, sound, sound design, sound mixing, color grading, lighting, VFX, animation the production company will additionally receive an automatic funding in the amount of 30,000 Euro, that can be reinvested for the script- and/or project development of new projects with majoritarian female participation in at least two of the three head departments production, direction and script writing. The female participation within the head departments has to be verified in both cases via credits.
The production company acquires a title to Gender Incentive per contracting. Applications for the reinvestment of gender incentive money can be submitted anytime (and are not bound to application deadlines) from the conclusion of the contract on within two years. We kindly ask you to use the online application tool for script- or project development.
10% plus, Gender Incentive on performance basis
Further the reference film funding amount will be raised by 10%, if a project hits the target value according to attachment F of the funding guidelines and acquires a title to automatic funding on a performance basis. This additional funding money is at the producer’s disposal within the framework of the common reference film funding regulations to be reinvested into new projects with majoritarian female participation in at least two of the three head departments production, direction and script writing.
°In order to create an entitlement to reference funds, at least two out of the following three prerequisites need to be fulfilled: 1) Austrian direction, 2) Austrian majority participation (the artistic and the technical participation need to correspond to the financial share), 3) Austrian main responsibility in at least two of the three areas script, camera or editing.